Order Process
Accurate Order Fulfillment
Motivated by farmers who were always on a waiting list for the fruit trees they needed, Upper Canada Growers decided to grow trees a little differently. Farmers can order any rootstock and variety they would like and we can make sure their order is far more accurate than ever before. We can achieve this by growing trees on contract in advance, instead of speculative growing. You tell us what you would like, we source the rootstock and budwood and begin growing your tree for you. By following our simple order process and some planning, farmers will not have to wait without knowing if they will get the trees they need.
Understanding the Process
Placing the Order
After planning with your sales representative and deciding the best options for your orchard, you can place you order through them. At the time of ordering, a deposit of $2.50/tree is due for the order to be officially started. This is essential for us to source the appropriate number of rootstocks needed for your order, whether it be in Canada, US, or Europe. There is always a limited number of rootstocks available and they sell pretty fast, the sooner you can let us know your needs, the best chance you will have in securing your trees and rootstocks.
Rootstock Are Budded & Grafted
As soon as we receive your rootstocks at our nursery, we grow them for a short period of time until they are big enough to bud or graft with your selected fruit varieties. Our fruit specialists travel around Ontario collecting budwood from various excellent farms and orchards during the summer months, or if you have budwood of your own, we can use those as well. The budding of rootstocks is a delicate process that requires exact techniques; our team has been budding fruit trees for many years.
Fruit Trees Are Grown & Branched
After your rootstocks are budded with the fruit variety you need, we grow and branch your fruit trees with a carefully designed fertigation and growing process. Upper Canada Growers monitors and balances all the micro and macro nutrients in the fruit trees and we make adjustments as needed. The right balance of nutrients and minerals in our fruit trees helps repel insects and disease organisms. Our fertigation practices has an excellent effect on the root system of our fruit trees, developing strong and healthy roots that support the entire tree.

Finished Order
After growing and branching your fruit trees for a year, they are ready to be dug from the field and placed in cold storage once they enter dormancy. We dig our fruit trees in the fall, so if you would like to plant your fruit trees that same fall, it works perfectly. Otherwise, the trees remain in cold storage over the winter until spring, when you can have your trees shipped to you or pick them up.
Benefits of Ordering in Advance
Reduced growing speculation makes trees make trees less expensive, secures your order can be filled and any extra trees from our growing process will be offered to you first at the same price as the rest of the order. It is easier for us to grow the trees we know the farmers want, than to speculate and guess quantities and varieties. Alternatively, waiting to place your order or waiting for final availability means you will be the last to be offered leftover trees if any are present, more expensive prices and unlikely to receive a full order.
2022 & 2023 Orders
Most trees available for 2021 are sold out, please contact your sales representative to view which varieties might be available. Check out our availability of varieties and rootstock to order from. Ask your sales representative about custom budding of varieties not listed.
After your order is placed, we have to source the right amount of rootstocks and begin the growing process for your order.